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Custom field

The Date and Time Pickers let you customize the field by passing props or custom components.

Customize the default field

Customize the TextField

You can use the textField slot to pass custom props to the TextField:


Please fill this field

Press Enter to start editing

Change the separator of range fields

You can use the dateSeparator prop to change the separator rendered between the start and end dates:



Press Enter to start editing

Change the format density

You can control the field format spacing using the formatDensity prop. Setting formatDensity to "spacious" adds space before and after each /, - and . character.

04 / 17 / 2022
Press Enter to start editing

Multi input range field

Usage inside a range picker

You can pass the multi input fields to the range picker to use it for keyboard editing:


Press Enter to start editing

If you want to create a wrapper around the field, make sure to set the fieldType static property to 'multi-input'. Otherwise, the picker will throw an error because it won't know how to adapt to this custom field:



Customize the start and end fields differently

You can pass conditional props to the textField slot to customize the input styling based on the position.




Customize the separator

You can use the separator slot to pass custom props to the Typography rendered between the two Text Fields:



Press Enter to start editing

With Material UI

Wrapping PickersTextField

You can import the PickersTextField component to create custom wrappers:

Press Enter to start editing

Using Material TextField

Pass the enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure={false} to any Field or Picker component to use an <input /> for the editing instead of the new accessible DOM structure:

Press Enter to start editing

With another Design System

Using a custom input


Using Joy UI

You can use the Joy UI components instead of the Material UI ones:

With a custom editing experience

Using an Autocomplete

If your user can only select a value in a small list of available dates, you can replace the field with the Autocomplete component to list those dates:

Using a masked Text Field

If you want to use a simple mask approach for the field editing instead of the built-in logic, you can replace the default field with the TextField component using a masked input value built with the rifm package.

Using a read-only Text Field

If you want users to select a value exclusively through the views but you still want the UI to look like a Text Field, you can replace the field with a read-only Text Field component:

Using a read-only Text Field on mobile

If you want to keep the default behavior on desktop but have a read-only TextField on mobile, you can conditionally render the custom field presented in the previous section:


Using a Button

If you want users to select a value exclusively through the views and you don't want the UI to look like a Text Field, you can replace the field with the Button component:

The same logic can be applied to any Range Picker:

Build your own custom field


Each Picker component exposes an interface describing the props it passes to its field. You can import it from the same endpoint as the Picker component and use it to type the props of your field:

import { DatePickerFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DatePicker';
import { DateRangePickerFieldProps } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/DateRangePicker';

function CustomDateField(props: DatePickerFieldProps) {
  // Your custom field

function CustomDateRangeField(props: DateRangePickerFieldProps) {
  // Your custom field


Picker component Field props interface
Date Picker DatePickerFieldProps
Time Picker TimePickerFieldProps
Date Time Picker DateTimePickerFieldProps
Date Range Picker DateRangePickerFieldProps
Date Time Range Picker DateTimeRangePickerFieldProps


You can use the useValidation hook to check if the current value passed to your field is valid or not:

import { useValidation, validateDate } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/validation';

const {
  // The error associated with the current value.
  // For example: "minDate" if `props.value < props.minDate`.
  // `true` if the value is invalid.
  // On range Pickers it is true if the start date or the end date is invalid.
  // Imperatively get the error of a value.
} = useValidation({
  // If you have a value in an internal state, you should pass it here.
  // Otherwise, you can pass the value returned by `usePickerContext()`.
  validator: validateDate,


Each Picker component has a validator adapted to its value type:

Picker component Import validator
Date Picker import { validateDate } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/validation'
Time Picker import { validateTime } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/validation'
Date Time Picker import { validateDateTime } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/validation'
Date Range Picker import { validateDateRange } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/validation'
Date Time Range Picker import { validateDateTimeRange } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/validation'

Localized placeholder

You can use the useParsedFormat to get a clean placeholder. This hook applies two main transformations on the format:

  1. It replaces all the localized tokens (for example L for a date with dayjs) with their expanded value (DD/MM/YYYY for the same date with dayjs).
  2. It replaces each token with its token from the localization object (for example YYYY remains YYYY for the English locale but becomes AAAA for the French locale).
import { useParsedFormat } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/hooks';

// Uses the format defined by your Picker
const parsedFormat = useParsedFormat();

// Uses the custom format provided
const parsedFormat = useParsedFormat({ format: 'MM/DD/YYYY' });

Props forwarded by the picker

The picker can receive some commonly used props that should be forwarded to the field DOM elements:

<DatePicker label="Birth date" name="birthdate" className="date-picker" sx={{ borderColor: 'red'}}>

If you are using any of those props in one of your picker, make sure to retrieve them in your field using the usePickerContext hook:

const { label, name, rootClassName, rootSx, rootRef } = usePickerContext();

return (

Spread props to the DOM

The field receives a lot of props that cannot be forwarded to the DOM element without warnings. You can use the useSplitFieldProps hook to get the props that can be forwarded safely to the DOM:

const { internalProps, forwardedProps } = useSplitFieldProps(
  // The props received by the field component
  // The value type ("date", "time" or "date-time")

return <TextField {...forwardedProps}>;

Pass the field to the Picker

You can pass your custom field to your Picker using the field slot:

function DatePickerWithCustomField() {
  return <DatePicker slots={{ field: CustomDateField }}>;

// Also works with the other variants of the component
function DesktopDatePickerWithCustomField() {
  return <DesktopDatePicker slots={{ field: CustomDateField }}>

Full custom example

Here is a live demo of the example created in all the previous sections:


See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.